Monday 1/14
Tuesday 1/15
- Review concepts of value.
- Id shapes vs. forms, 2-d vs. 3-d, and look at Charles W. White’s drawing Harvest Talk.
- Complete handout on value.
- Perceive how value is used not only to create the illusion of a 3-d form, but also to communicate meaning. (weather, clothing, facial expression)
- Intro to vine sticks (blending with charcoal) and kneaded erasers.
- Vocab: highlights and shadows.
- Draw your own nose using not lines, but value changes with charcoal and a kneaded eraser.
- HW: practice nose drawing at home in front of mirror.
Wednesday 1/16
- Review concepts from 1/15.
- Value: form and meaning.
- How? No outlines; blend.
- Look at collage examples that contain drawing added to images. Continue the lines, shapes, textures, and values (all elements of art) outside and around the images. Look at the work of collage artist Kara Walker.
- Depending on how many images we have, each person or table will create a compositional layout, sketching out ideas for the addition of drawing within the composition. Understand the importance of negative and positive shapes and spaces in this lesson.
- HW: Kara Walker reading comp.
Thursday 1/16
- On loose-leaf, describe your intentions with the project introduced yesterday. Use the following questions as a guide:
•What do you intend to accomplish?
•How will you carry out your intentions?
•What media and techniques will you use? Are there any supplies that you need that have not been made available to you? If so, please list here.
•How is this artwork going to visually reflect your personal feelings/intentions? - Shown: examples of mixed-media collage artworks by contemporary artists as well as students of various ages and skill levels.
- Vocabulary: collage
- Rubric for assignment: