Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let's Strengthen our Spatial Perception!

Monday: MLK Day!

  • Due to the assembly, there will be a special plan for today and no homework!


  • Today is a studio work-day. Your Civil Rights collages are due by the end of the day tomorrow. Extend, modify, change, and use your best judgement. Does it visually work? Is your composition balanced? Is there anything missing? Feel free to come by after school to work on it or bounce ideas around with other art students!
  • Don't forget to complete your self-evaluation rubric and clip it to your artwork! It's worth 10% of this project's grade.
  • HW Due Thursday: Artist Statement Organizers were handed out (click on the right image). You may email it to me or hand in during class.

Wednesday: Drawing Upside Down?!

  • Frustrate your efficient left brain by concentrating and working deliberately and intently.

Thursday: What's the difference between a contour line and an outline?!

  • Due today: Artist Statement
  • Excercises (and vocabulary!): contour lines vs. outlines, eye-hand coordination, blind contour line vs. controlled contour line, and continuous lines.

Friday: Connecting your senses

  • Using your sense of touch to feel the texture of an object without looking at it can heighten your perception skills. Draw an object without looking at it. Use the texture and the shape alone as you draw exactly what you feel. Afterward, you may look at it closely and compare it to your drawing. Were you close? What were you right about? What needs more work? Try it again now that you can see it.
  • Look at the way the light reflects off an object. What shapes do you see? Where are the darkest areas? Use your pencil to blend the values you see. Create implied lines---no outlines!

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